Tugas Akhir Paraphrase Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi

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Paraphrase Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi

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Trisna Nugraha Pamungkas

Laporan yang Disusun untuk Memenuhi Tugas Akhir Bahasa Indonesia mengenai Paraphrase Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi
Dosen: Dr. Toto Sugiharto




Great confidence of users of audited financial statements and other services provided by public accountants, public accountants requires attention to the quality of the audit. This study aims to analyze the influence of independence, competence, and professionalism on audit quality. Quality audit is the possibility (joint probability) where the auditor will discover and report violations to the client's accounting system. High quality audits will produce reliable financial reports as a basis for decision making. In addition, the auditor must comply with applicable laws and regulations and avoid actions that may discredit the profession. This is related to the principle of professional behavior of an auditor. Object of this study is the independent auditor in Surabaya. The research data was obtained from 47 respondents from 21 public accounting firm. The sampling technique using convenience sampling. Data analysis using validity, reliability testing, and linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the independence and professionalism does not have a significant positive effect on audit quality, while there is a positive significant effect on the competence of audit quality.
Keywords: Public Accounting, Audit Quality, Independence, Competence, Professionalism.


Great confidence of users of audited financial statements provided by public accountants, public accountants requires attention to the quality of the audit. According to De Angelo (1981) in Alim et al. (2007), defines audit quality as the probability (joint probability) in which an auditor will discover and report the violations that exist in the accounting system of its clients. High quality audits will produce reliable financial reports as a basis for decision making. According Christiawan (2002) in ddkk Alim. (2007), audit quality is determined by two things, namely competence and independence. In accordance with its responsibility to raise the level of reliability of the financial statements of a company, a certified public accountant in the audit must be independent. Audior have to be honest not only to the management and owners of the company, but also to creditors and other parties who put confidence in audited financial statements. According to Rai (2008) in Sukriah et al. (2009), the competence of the auditor is required by a qualified auditor to conduct the audit properly. According Djaddang and Court (2002) in Rahmawati and Winarna (2002), the auditor must have competence includes two elements, namely knowledge and experience. According Kusharyanti (2003), in auditing, auditors need the knowledge of the general and specific auditing, knowledge of auditing and accounting, as well as understand client. Auditor industry has experienced a better understanding of the financial statements. They are also better able to provide a reasonable explanation of the errors in the financial statements and to classify errors based on the audit objectives and the structure of the underlying accounting system, so that will affect audit quality produced. Each practitioner shall comply with applicable laws and regulations and should avoid all actions that may discredit the profession (IAIP, 2007-2008). This study is a replica of the research conducted Sukriah et al. (2009) with a different object, namely the Office of the Public Accountant in Surabaya and the period of the study. The problems of this research is how to influence the independence, competence, and professionalism on audit quality. In accordance with the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effect of independence, competence, and professionalism on audit quality are produced.


Effect of Independence on Audit Quality
The independence is one of the important characters in auditing. An auditor must have an independent attitude, because the auditor must be independent of the interests of clients and other interested parties with the financial statements. If the auditor has an independent attitude, it will be regardless of any interest. He will audit correctly without having to load any party. Assessment will reflect the actual condition of the company examined. Thus, the guarantee of the reliability of the audit of the financial statements can be trusted by all parties concerned. According Singgih and Bawono (2010), the higher the level of independence that is applied by the auditor, the better the quality of the resulting audit by the auditor. Based on these explanations, the hypothesis can be structured as follows:
H1: The auditor's independence has a positive effect on audit quality.

Competence influence on Audit Quality
Competence qualifications auditor is required by the auditors to conduct audits properly. In conducting the audit, an auditor must have a good personal quality, knowledge, and special skills in the art. According Suraida (2008) in Sukriah (2009), competencies related to professional skills possessed by the auditor as a result of formal research, professional exams, and participation in training, seminars, and symposia. While the quality of the auditor's audit finding relates to the possibility of fraud that occurred and determine the client's accounting system and reported in the audited financial statements. An auditor who has sufficient knowledge and experience to better understand and know the various issues in more depth in the environmental audit clients. Based on the above, it can be arranged following hypothesis:
H2: The auditor's competence has a positive effect on audit quality.

Effect of Professionalism on Audit Quality
Professionalism is an important thing that should be applied to every public accountant in performing the tasks in order to achieve an adequate audit quality. The results of the study Kopp, Morley, and Rennie (2007) in Singgih and Bawono (2007), proving that the public trust the financial statements if the auditor had to use professional skepticism in the audit process. At the time of auditing, the auditor should maintain professional skepticism. That's because if an auditor is no longer able to maintain professional skepticism, the audited financial statements can’t be trusted anymore. According Nearon (2005) in Singgih and Bawono (2007) , if an auditor fails in use or application of skepticism that does not comply with the conditions at the time of examination, the audit opinion issued are not effective and do not have a good audit quality. Meanwhile, according to the GAO (2007) in Singgih and bawono (2007), a performance audit should provide reasonable assurance that the audit evidence was sufficient and appropriate to support the auditors' findings and conclusions. Based on the above, it can be arranged following hypothesis:
H3: The auditor's Professionalism has a positive effect on audit quality.


Research Design
The research design used in this study is testing the hypothesis, which is descriptive qualitative research. This study was aimed to provide evidence of the influence of independence, competence, and professionalism of the auditor's audit quality produced.

Population and Research Sample
The population in this study was independent auditor who works in the Office of the Public Accountant in Surabaya. Based on data from the Indonesian Institute of Accountants website in 2011, number of public accounting firms that there are as many as 43 in Surabaya. This study used a convenience sampling method, that is collecting information of the population at the time of the study in order to provide the required information. Auditor characteristics are used as a respondent must have a minimum of two years work experience, have a minimum education level S1, and minimum positions as a senior auditor.

Data Analysis Techniques
The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. Based on the variables used, it can be composed of multiple linear regression equation as follows:
Y = a + b1I + b2K + b3P + e
Y = Audit Quality
             a = Constant
             b = Regression Coefficient
            K = Variable Competence
             I = Variable Independence
P = Variable Professionalism
e = Error


Test Validity and Reliability
This study uses Pearson Correlation test validity. If the results of the correlation between the total score of each statement showing the results (significant <0.05 and correlations> 0.3), then it is valid (Anwar, 2007:179). Reliability test using Cronbach Alpha> 0.60.
Table 1 Results of Test Validity and Reliability
Cronbach Alpha
Pearson Correlation*
Independence (I)
Competence (K)
Professionalism (P)
Quality Audit (Y)

Hypothesis Testing
Table 2 Independence, competence, and professionalism on the Quality Audit
Independence (I)
Competence (K)
Professionalism (P)

The results of testing the hypothesis (H1) shows that the independence is positive (0.147). Based on Table 2, it appears that the significant value is above 0.05, it indicates that the hypothesis (H1) is not influence on audit quality. Test results (H1) is consistent with research Sukriah (2009) who showed that independence has no significant effect on audit quality.
The results of testing the hypothesis (H2) shows that the competence is positive (0.921). While significant value below 0.05, which means that the hypothesis (H2) effect on audit quality. Test results (H2) is consistent with research Elfarini (2007), Sukriah (2009) , and Bhinga (2011) which showed that competence has a positive effect on audit quality. The higher the competence of an auditor, the better the quality of the resulting audit.
The results of testing the hypothesis (H3) shows that the professionalism is negative (0.030) and significantly above 0.05. Test results (H3) in accordance with Bhinga study (2011) which showed that professionalism has no significant effect on audit quality.

Based on the analysis and discussion, the conclusions obtained variable independence is no positive effect on audit quality produced by an independent auditor in Surabaya. Competence variables significant positive effect on audit quality produced by an independent auditor in Surabaya. Variable professionalism no significant positive effect on the quality of audit quality produced by an independent auditor in Surabaya. Several limitations to this study, namely (1) data that can be processed only by 47 questionnaires and estimated not represent the total population of this study. (2) The method of data collection techniques that are deposited on the questionnaire each KAP were then taken back when it was filled, a separate limitation by researchers. (3) Researchers also could not determine whether the questionnaire has been filled in properly by the respondent, because one thing that is beyond the control of the researcher.
Based on the research results, there are some suggestions for similar studies in the future, namely (1) the independent auditor should notice its competence. (2) Take more notice the number of questionnaires that will be used to process the data. (3) Adding other variables that might affect audit quality. (4) Increase the number of samples and sampling locations expand not only in Surabaya.


Acknowledgements addressed to Drs. Simon Hariyanto, Ak, QIA, and Irene Natalina, SE, MSc, Ak as mentors one and two of this thesis final project

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